General Information

How will my child benefit from a structured daily schedule?

Children gain a sense of security through routines because they provide safe, predictable life experiences. Routines provide children with opportunities to learn to care for themselves, their belongings, and their environment. Having a consistent routine at home helps children practice self-care and home skills and allows them to flourish in their learning through consistency.

What developmental skills will my child learn?

  • Developing self-esteem
  • Developing self-control
  • Developing fine and gross motor skills
  • Developing hand-eye coordination
  • Solving problems
  • Understanding the connection between cause and effect
  • Understanding different moods and feelings such as sadness, happiness, anger, and excitement
  • Literacy Skills 

What does interest based learning mean?

Interest based programs use exploration as their medium of instruction. They take advantage of children’s natural curiosity and interest in exploring and interacting with the world around them. Our program provides an avenue which allows you to prepare a stimulating environment (in which materials are frequently rotated and changed) and interact with your child during their play in ways that promote their learning and development. Children are allowed to make their own choices about activities because when their actions are self-directed, they are more motivated to engage for longer periods of time and to reach higher levels of thinking and understanding. Our daily lesson plans encourage and promote specific types of play and activities connected to children's developmental.

Isn't a 3-year-old too young to learn how to read?

Young children love to learn! They want to do everything their parents can do, including reading. A three-year-old is not too young as long as they are interested. It is important to make sure that you don't push your child. Keep it fun and keep it at their level. And if they really don't want to do it some days--that's ok! We all need breaks sometimes!

What are the benefits of phonics?

Phonics simplifies the English language into 42 sounds. Children then learn to 'decode' words by breaking a word down into sounds, instead of having to memorize 1000's of words.
Learning to decode helps children develop word recognition skills and improve their reading fluency. All of these skills contribute to improved reading comprehension as students no longer struggle with sounding out words and can instead concentrate on making meaning from the text.

Visit the following links for more information!

If you would like to read in depth about our program, visit this page:
Our Program

If you are interested in saying how a day is laid out, visit this page:
Daily Schedule

To see an example of a Daily Lesson Plan, visit this page:
Sample Lesson Plan
